Monday, November 5, 2012

Welcome to the Online Detective Agency!

Hello everyone!
It's MJ here, the founder and leader of The Modern Knights team. I have founded a service, free for the whole internet. We, the Modern Knights, will help the whole internet, by solving cases given to us by people who need help, and we will do it professionally, like a real detective would. Feel free to contact us through comments. We respect your privacy, so just give us contact information through the comments, and we'll help you out. Do leave a comment though, even if you know us elsewhere, so people know we're in the game and stuff. The Online Detective Agency's only mission is to provide justice to everyone who needs it. Another thing, it's not just about cases, if you need help, such as advice and other related things, we will help you out in that too. So feel free to bring your cases and other things to us!

Have a nice day, sirs and madams!

~Muhammad Junaid~